Online resources for managing stress

As our second week of National Caregivers Month comes to a close, I want to thank you all for your comments and stories – and point you to more resources available online to help our caregivers manage stress and find help.

800.272.3900 24/7 Helpline24/7 Helpline 800.272.3900, it’s a great resource for when you need to talk to someone who will understand what you’re going through – even if it’s 3 a.m., I urge you to call us and let us help you.

Message boards and live chat – you can immediately connect with people online when you’re feeling confused about a caregiving issue or stressed about your situation.

Caregiver Stress Check, an online test to help you identify if a caregiver is under a lot of stress – great for those “I can do it all” caregivers who are in denial about needing help.

Local Support Groups are a great way to relieve stress and meet other people who are in situations similar to yours. Call our Helpline or visit our web site to find groups near you.

Alzheimer’s Association CareSource, our online suite of resources that will help coordinate assistance from family and friends, locate senior housing, receive customized care recommendations and enhance caregiving skills.

Don’t forget to share your experiences here, on our Facebook page or at We want to hear from you!


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